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A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that seeks to give patients a more youthful facial appearance. The procedure helps with reducing skin and tissue laxity along the lower two-thirds of the face, including the jawline and cheeks.
To help get great results and optimize your recovery from your facelift surgery, you will need to follow your surgeon’s instructions. This includes knowing the type of physical activities you can engage in at every stage of the recovery process.
Here is your ultimate guide to recovery after getting a facelift.

The First Three Days After Facelift Surgery
After your facelift, you should have at least 24 hours of rest. Of course, there is nothing wrong with moving around your house a bit, but if you don’t feel like you are ready for it, you shouldn’t push yourself. Moving around too soon can be detrimental to your recovery process and facelift results.
Most patients are strong enough to move around their homes 72 hours after getting a facelift. However, you must avoid getting too active or engaging in strenuous activities at this stage.
One to Three Weeks After Facelift Surgery
After the first week, you may be able to start engaging in light physical activity (as long as you are cleared by your plastic surgeon). For instance, there will be nothing wrong with taking a walk in your neighborhood for 15 to 20 minutes. You can gradually increase the time to 30 minutes as you get stronger. Again, you should not push yourself before your body tells you it is ready.
Remember, you will need to wear sunscreen or a hat when going out as your incisions are still new and healing. Sun exposure can cause fresh scars to darken.
At this stage, you may also be allowed to do gentle stretches. There should be nothing wrong with resuming light housework, such as cooking; however, you should avoid lifting heavy objects or engaging in other strenuous activities.
Six Weeks After Facelift Surgery
You should be ready to go back to your full exercise routine six weeks after your facelift.
You can now run, lift weights, or engage in any other physical activity of your choice. However, you should never forget that your recovery process is unique, and you may require a longer recovery. You must consult your surgeon before starting physically demanding activities to ensure that everything is alright.
Although physical exercise is important when recovering from a facelift, you need to be careful not to be overly active before recovering fully.
What Does a Facelift Look Like?
If you are interested in a facelift with Dr. Leonard Hochstein, visit our facelift before and after gallery to see how Dr. Hochstein has helped his previous facelift patients.
Interested in a Facelift? Contact Dr. Hochstein Now!
If you are looking for a reliable plastic surgeon to perform your facelift surgery and guide you on how you can keep exercising during the recovery period, Dr. Leonard Hochstein is your best bet.
Feel free to contact us at (305) 931-3338 or fill out our online contact form for more information about exercising after facelift surgery.