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Pregnancy and having children can change a woman’s body in many different ways, leaving her struggling with sagging breasts, a bulging abdomen, or unwanted fat deposits in various parts of her body.
Transforming the body through exercise and diet alone can be difficult, causing many women to opt for a Mommy Makeover to restore the look they desire.

Once you have scheduled your Mommy Makeover surgery, it is important to prepare for both the big day and the subsequent recovery.
Being a comprehensive collection of procedures, you will need good physical and emotional preparation to ensure your recovery is smooth and manageable. Here are a series of tips to help you prepare for recovery and ensure it is as fast and effective as possible.
1. Request Time Off Work
Your body will need enough time to heal, so ensure you plan enough time off from work. For most women, this means two weeks, but it is always good to listen to your body and request more time if you need it.
Everyone heals at a different rate and has different activities that they will need to return to. If you have a highly strenuous job where you are on your feet, moving around, or lifting heavy objects all day, you will likely require more time off. Alternatively, if you have a desk-type job or work remotely from home, you may be able to resume work sooner.
2. Rest and Take Care of Yourself
It is imperative to enjoy plenty of rest, especially during the first two weeks of recovery. Fight the temptation to do too much and know that it will take a while to get back to feeling 100 percent.
Pushing yourself too hard, too soon, can be one of the most detrimental things you can do to your body and your recovery.
3. Get Support
After your surgery, it is a good idea to arrange for a loved one or caregiver to drive you back home and assist in your day-to-day tasks for the next few days.
If necessary, plan for child care or assistance getting your kids to where they need to go to give yourself plenty of healing time for the most effective recovery.
4. Be Gentle With Your Body
Dr. Hochstein advises you to avoid lifting, pushing, or pulling anything over 15 pounds for at least six weeks to ensure you do not stretch your body beyond its physical limit too soon. You can begin light exercises like walking as soon as Dr. Hochstein clears you. Extra care should be observed as well when bending or turning to avoid placing pressure on your stitches.
For most patients, a full Mommy Makeover recovery takes up to six weeks.
5. Keep Incision Sites Clean and Dry
Keeping your incisions clean and dry is critical during the initial recovery stage. This is important for the healing of the scars—meaning a better aesthetic for the mature scars—and this also helps prevent infection, which is one of the most common complications after a surgical procedure.
Your surgeon will provide you with a list of post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and effective recovery process.
Part of it will be guidelines on caring for incisions, managing discomfort, and taking your medications. Always follow your instructions to avoid complications and make recovery as smooth as possible.
Interested in Learning More?
If you are considering a Mommy Makeover, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office at 305-931-3338 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation.