Be Realistic! How Technology Affects Your Perception of Beauty
The answer should be evident, but with people’s new relationship to the stars and new beauty technologies like facial fillers and cosmetic surgery, this goal seems to be practically doable. But self-esteem can plummet when women compare themselves to these unrealistic iconic images. They are chasing an illusion and place themselves in a no-win situation. […]
Plastic Surgery Prices
The economic recession that has plagued the country and the world for over a year has had a significant impact on plastic surgery and how it is practiced in the Miami and Ft. Lauderdale area. In response to the current situation we have decided to lower our prices to make surgery more affordable to our […]
Plastic Surgery support :)
It is normal to be afraid and concerned about having surgery. Here at Dr. Hochstein’s office we encourage our patients to ask a lot of question until they feel confident not only in Dr. Hochstein but his staff as well. Emotional support is very important when having plastic surgery and often times family and friends […]
Rhinoplasty by Dr. Leonard Hochstein in Miami Florida

Over the years Dr. Hochstein has become well known for his specialty with Rhinoplasty (Nose job). Patients come from all over the word to have their Rhinoplasty done here in Miami Florida. Although Dr. Hochstein is recognized for his breast augmentations world wide he is also gaining a great reputation for the beautiful work he […]
Healing is a Two Way Street!
Often times patients do not fully realize that they are as much responsible for their healing as the doctor. The healing process has to be a partnership and this is where the patient comes in contributing to their own healing process proactively. You have spent months if not years planning for this surgery. You have […]