FDA Approves Natrelle® 410 Highly Cohesive Silicone Implant

Back in November 2012, we discussed that Allergan was awaiting approval for their new Gummy Bear Implants, and that like all implants the style 410 has its pros and cons. As I mentioned, I strongly believe that the Natrelle® 410 highly cohesive implant will help women that are in need of reconstruction and hopefully improve the […]
Style 410 Gummy Bear Implants; The next generation of Silicone Implants

The new Gummy Bear Implants are Coming Soon! These are the implants that have been widely used in Europe and South America. Although I feel this implant will not be right for everybody, I believe it will be very useful in certain groups of women in particular those patients who lack breast tissue or muscle and […]
A Women’s Journey with Dr. Hochstein

“New Boobs This September – Miami” I will be scheduling my breast reduction/lift for September. I am going to the #1 boob guy in the US at the moment (after many years of in-depth research). I am a DD and will be getting a perky, Goddess-like, adorable C cup. And to address the “Under Arm […]