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After a successful tummy tuck surgery, many patients enjoy a slimmer, more toned midsection. The last thing anyone would want is to negate these results. Typically, a tummy tuck provides long-lasting results, but you must take the necessary steps to keep them that way.

If you are considering having the surgery or in recovery and wondering how best to maintain the results for years to come, we have some tips for you.
1. Maintain a Stable Weight
The best way to maintain your incredible tummy tuck results is to watch your weight. Many patients undergoing a tummy tuck are at or near their ideal weight, and the goal is to stay at that weight. Gaining or losing significant amounts of weight can disrupt the contours achieved with your surgery.
One way to maintain a stable weight is to embrace a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a good, balanced diet and staying active. If you have always been drawn to junk foods, you want to kick the habit to the curb and instead focus on whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean proteins.
It is particularly important to avoid fad diets aimed at losing significant weight. Keep in mind that even without gaining weight, losing muscle mass can cause the remaining abdominal skin to lose elasticity and start to sag, reducing the effect of your tummy tuck surgery.
2. Avoid Pregnancy
Just like weight changes, pregnancy significantly alters your body contours. As your abdominal walls expand to accommodate the growing baby, you are likely to experience some stretching of the skin and separation of the abdominal muscles. As a result, stretch marks, loose skin, and the formation of an abdominal pooch can become your new reality.
Patients are advised to think through and be certain that they are done with childbearing before undergoing the procedure.
3. Stay in Shape
Staying fit and in shape is an important factor in maintaining your tummy tuck results. You can easily find a simple routine and slowly progress to more challenging workouts over time.
As you embrace an active lifestyle, avoid focusing on abdominal exercises alone. Instead, incorporate full-body workouts like planks, aerobic, and resistance training routines to optimize your results with a toned and slender profile. It is important to remember that rigorous physical activity or exercising during the initial weeks of recovery or before your surgeon gives clearance is not advisable.
Many patients find it easier to maintain their results if they already live a healthy lifestyle even before the surgery. Ultimately, with commitment and discipline, you can enjoy a tighter, slimmer midsection over the long term.
Interested in a Tummy Tuck?
You can see more tummy tuck before and after pictures by visiting our photo gallery.
Dr. Hochstein will discuss your concerns during your tummy tuck consultation to help you better understand how best to prolong your tummy tuck results. We encourage you to contact us at 305-931-3338 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation and learn more.